The Character Arc is a theater for transformational change. It is a community & curriculum dedicated to combating the stagnation that plagues modern life and the modern work environment. Join us!

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About Me

My name is Khemit Bailey and I’m a writer, entrepreneur, and true believer in the transformative power of fiction.

I’m also:
a United States Air Force veteran
a fluent Mandarin Chinese speaker
a Fortune 10 company grad
a lifelong martial artist
a recovering MBA
and a connoisseur of many forms of fiction (20,000+ movies, books, anime/manga, graphic novels and more)

I created this course because it lies at the intersection of everything I believe is important in the world: people, great stories, and an understanding of how to lead a fulfilling life.

The enjoyment, examination, and deep study of stories, and narrative theory continues to bring me to far-reaching realizations about how to confront the very real challenges that we face, internally and externally.

Having learned and studied how to apply these lessons in my own life, and the lives of others, I created The Character Arc as a concise, enjoyable, yet deeply profound way of sharing them with the world.