The Character Arc Course Application

The Character Arc Course is a 5 week, interactive curriculum designed to get you unstuck. No one tells you what decisions to make in this Course. It uses cinema, your own instincts, and personal mentorship to unlock your latent ability to chart your own path forward.

For this training program to succeed, full participation for the entire 5 week period is necessary.

I’ve found that it is all too common for people to just “throw money” at their problems.

Instead of putting in the work and commitment to learning, we just click the “buy now” button on a training program and never even look at the product again, let alone finish it.

My goal is to have every participant fully, complete the program, and benefit from it.

To increase the chances of this happening, I’m filtering people by how earnestly they answer the questions in this application survey.

There are only 8 questions, and it should take less than 10 minutes to complete, but to answer properly it does require some thought.

So if you’re not interested in introspection, then I can tell you now that this course is not for you.

But if you like to go deep, and are up for the challenge I’m looking forward to reading your answers!

  • Describe What you hope to get out of the course.
  • (List as many areas as are relevant to you, ie. relationships, career, health, etc.)
  • If you don't have any specific goals, that's ok. Just try to list some general goals.
  • Movies can be from any time period
  • So I have a sense of time zones for scheduling our 1 on 1 calls.